2015 might have been a down year for Felix Hernandez, but the Seattle Mariners’ ace pitcher still delivered an 18-9 record with a 3.53 ERA, 1.18 WHIP and 195 SO over 31 starts. The right-hander dropped from second to 32nd overall in ERA from 2014 to 2015--his worst season-long ERA since 2007. This past season was the first time that he didn’t reach 200 SO since 2008. The six-time All-Star and former Cy Young winner is still one of the best pitchers in MLB. His draft value might have dipped a little bit, but it shouldn’t be a surprise if he bounces back to be among the elite pitchers. Hernandez will enter his 12th season even though he’ll turn 30 around the start of the new season. He’s racked up a lot of innings, but he could go anywhere from the fifth to eighth rounds. If he’s still there afterwards, he would be a steal.
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